What Covid Has Taught Me about Me
In some ways this has been an easy year for me. I've discovered a love of being anti-social. I was never really allowed to wallow in it...
A Country in Chaos
I've been watching some pretty disturbing news/posts/etc for the past few days and I've also been seeing some really encouraging news....
The Privilege of Being L or G in the LGBTQ+ Community
You’re not really a lesbian, you just haven't met the right man yet. You're not really butch, you're just a tomboy that was never taught...
Halloween: The Fun in Fright
Story Time: Let me start by saying I grew up hearing personal account ghost stories from multiple members of my family. Both my aunts...
Reader Sexism and its Fallout
I just read this post written by a wonderful author, A. E. Radley. https://iheartlesfic.com/2017/08/11/guest-post-bisexuality-does-exist-...
January 21, 2017: Making History
13 hours on a bus from Michigan to Washington D.C., on a bus that continued to overheat and shut down all the way there and back. We were...
Starting the obsession: Fanfic, the gateway drug to lesfic?
It doesn’t matter if you’re a gold star lesbian or a sensitive and insightful married father of two. No matter what flavor of person you...
Les The Night Before Christmas (A Visit From St. Nicolette)
Hey, my name is Kelly Aten and I’m one of those ‘Aspiring Writers’ that gather around the fan fiction sites and Facebook writer’s pages....
The Worries of Waiting
Since June of 2015, I have written more than 500,000 words of fiction. That is one novella length fan fiction story, plus 5 more books....
The Rage of a New Day
I cried after the Pulse shooting, and this is what poured out of my heart 4 days later. Let us sing the song of our brothers and sisters....